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Наиболее распространенные фразовые глаголы в английском языке

Наиболее распространенные фразовые глаголы в английском языке

August 08, 2024

Что такое фразовые глаголы?

Фразовые глаголы — это комбинации двух или более слов, которые функционируют как уникальные глаголы со значениями, отличными от отдельных слов, используемых в фразе. Например, «pick up» означает хватать или поднимать, что отличается от значений отдельных слов «pick» и «up».

Хотя фразовые глаголы широко используются в разговорном английском, они могут быть довольно запутанными, поскольку их значения не всегда легко угадать, и существует множество фразовых глаголов, которые нужно выучить. Кроме того, многие базовые глаголы, используемые во фразовых глаголах, являются частью нескольких фраз, каждая из которых имеет разное значение, что добавляет сложности.

Фразовые глаголы считаются одним из самых сложных аспектов изучения английского языка, особенно для многоязычных носителей. Чтобы сделать эту тему более понятной, мы составили список наиболее распространенных фразовых глаголов в нашем руководстве по английским фразовым глаголам.
Фразовые глаголы — это комбинации основного глагола с наречием или предлогом. Результатом является совершенно новая глагольная фраза со значением, часто не связанным со значением отдельных слов.

При использовании в предложении фразовые глаголы ведут себя как другие глаголы с точки зрения спряжения и размещения, но у них есть особые грамматические правила относительно порядка слов. Их можно спрягать во все типы глагольных форм. Например, фразовый глагол «get over» означает оправиться от чего-то или преодолеть что-то, хотя слова «get» и «over» имеют разные значения при использовании по отдельности.



Вот список наиболее часто используемых фразовых глаголов со значениями.

account for to explain or justify
The auditors asked him to account for the missing funds.
act up to misbehave
Her old knee injury started to act up in the cold weather.
ask around to ask severs people the same question
When they couldn't find the bookstore, they decided to ask around.
back up to move backwards; to make a copy
You should back up your files regularly to avoid losing data.
bail out to provide financial help; to rescue
The government decided to bail out the struggling airline.
bear out to confirm; to support
The evidence presented in court would bear out his version of events.
blow up to explode
The engineers conducted a test to see how the new material would behave if it were to blow up.
break down to suddenly stop functioning or separate
Let's break down the project into smaller tasks so it's easier to manage.
break in to wear something in; to interrupt something
I need to break in these new shoes before the marathon.
bring up to mention something
The new strategy is expected to bring up the company's market share.
brush up on to refresh or improve
Before the exam, I need to brush up on my chemistry.
buckle up to fasten a seat belt
Make sure to buckle up before the car starts moving.
bump into to see or meet someone/something unexpectedly
We might bump into some issues with the new software implementation.
call off to cancel
Due to bad weather, they had to call off the outdoor concert.
calm down to become less agitated; to relax
She needed a few minutes to calm down after the argument.
carry on to continue with an activity
They decided to carry on with the project despite setbacks.
catch on to understand; to become popular
The new trend quickly caught on with teenagers.
check in to register at a airport ot hotel
Please check in at least an hour before your flight.
check on to make sure someone is okay or safe
I check on him every day.
check out to examine something
We should check out this information.
check with to ask someone if something is okay
I just have to check with my friend.
come across to find something unexpectedly
When I was cleaning my room, I came across my old photos.
come back to return
I'm not sure when he'll come back from his vacation.
come down with to become ill with a disease or sickness
She came down with a cold just before the conference.
come in to enter
Please come in.
come up with to think of a plan or an idea
You can come up with a new idea.
count on to rely on; to trust
You can count on me to help you with the move.
cross out to delete or remove
He decided to cross out the old plans and start fresh with a new approach.
cut back to reduce or decrease
They decided to cut back on their expenses to save money.
cut down on to reduce the amount of something; to consume less
I'm trying to cut down on caffeine to improve my sleep.
cut down to make something fall by cutting it at its base
To build this house, they had to cut down several of trees.
cut off to stop suddenly or to interrupt
The storm cut off power to the entire neighborhood.
cut out to remove or to stop doing something
He needs to cut out sweets from his diet.
do over to do again or to repeat
She had to do over the experiment due to errors.
draw up to create a plan or a document
They will draw up a contract before finalizing the deal.
dress up to wear formal or elegant clothing
The children love to dress up as their favorite superheroes for Halloween.
drop by to go somewhere for a casual visit
You can drop by for tea whenever you’re free.
drop off to take something or someone to a specific place
Can you drop off the package at the post office on your way to work?
ease up on to become less strict about something
She has eased up on her rules lately.
eat out to eat at a restaurant or outside of one’s home
They usually eat out on Fridays instead of cooking.
end up to finish in a certain way
If you don't study, you might end up failing the exam.
fall apart to break into pieces
The project began to fall apart due to poor planning and communication.
fall behind to fail to keep up with others
He started to fall behind in his studies because of the illness.
fall down to collapse or fall to the ground
The storm caused the old tree in our garden to fall down.
fill out to complete a form or document
Please fill out this form and return it to the front desk.
find out to discover
The detective worked hard to find out who committed the crime.
fix up to repair or renovate; to make something ready
They plan to fix up the old house and sell it.
follow through to complete an action or promise
She always follows through on her promises.
get along to have a good relationship with someone
We always get along with each other.
get away to escape
I need to get away from the city noise and find some peace.
get by to be able to live through a difficult situation
We don’t have a lot of money for food, but we’ll get by.
get over to recover from a negative experience
I know she’s mad at you now, but she’ll get over it.
get rid of to eliminate or to remove
They decided to get rid of their old furniture.
get together to meet or to reunite with others
Let's get together for dinner next week.
get up to stand
I always get up at 7 a.m. – even on Saturdays.
give away to give something to others for free
Don’t give away the secret.
give in to finally agree to someone’s requests after refusing for a while
We finally gave in and got them a puppy.
give up to stop doing something permanently
I need to give up drinking.
go ahead to start or continue a planned activity
Despite the social distancing rules, the music festival will go ahead.
go off to explode; to sound an alarm; to go bad
The alarm clocks usually go off at 6 AM.
go on to continue; to happen
She didn't go on the trip due to work commitments.
go out to leave home and go somewhere
My girlfriend and I have been going out two years now.
grow apart to drift away from each other
It's natural for siblings to grow apart as they develop their own lives and families.
grow up to develop into adulthood
When I grow up, I want to be a biologist.
hang on to wait for a short period of time
This boat ride will be a little bumpy – hang on!
hang out to spend time relaxing or socialising casually
My favourite thing to do at the weekend is to hang out with my friend.
hang up to end a phone call
Please hang up the phone when you're finished.
hold back to restrain or to prevent from advancing
She couldn't hold back her tears during the sad movie.
hold on to wait; to persevere
Please hold on while I transfer your call to the right department.
keep up to continue at the same pace or level; to maintain something
He struggled to keep up with the fast pace of the class.
kick out to forcefully tell someone to leave a place
They threatened to kick out anyone who didn't follow the club's rules.
knock out to defeat or to cause unconsciousness
This boxer may knock out in the first round.
lead to to result in; to cause
Poor communication lead to misunderstandings.
leave behind to abandon or to forget
He didn't want to leave behind his favorite toy.
let down to disappoint or to fail to fulfill a promise
He let down his guard and started to relax after a long day.
let me in to allow someone to enter a place
Let me in the house.
look after to take care of something or someone
Can you look after my plants while I’m on holiday next week?
look for to try to find something
Help me look for my glasses, please.
look forward to to be excited about something that will happen in the future
We look forward to our vacation every year.
look into to investigate; to research
They promised to look into the issue as soon as possible.
look up to search for information
Can you look up the Japanese restaurant menu online?
make up to become friendly with someone again or forgive them after a disagreement
When are you going to make up your relationship?
mess up to make a mistake; to ruin or spoil something
We accidentally mess up our presentation slides.
move in to start living in a new home or apartment
They plan to move in to their new apartment next week.
move out to leave one’s current residence
She decided to move out of her parents' house.
pass up to reject or to decline an opportunity
She didn't want to pass up the opportunity to travel.
pay back to repay the money you borrowed from someone
I want to pay back your support by helping you with your project.
pick out to choose or to select
She helped him pick out a new suit for the wedding.
pick up to lift something from a surface
I'll pick up the kids from school after work.
point out to draw attention to; to indicate
They usually point out mistakes in the report.
put down to criticize or to insult; to write something on paper
He quickly put down his thoughts on paper.
put on to begin wearing something
If you want to play outside in the snow, make sure to put on a coat.
put up with to tolerate something
The neighbour’s dog barks all night long, but I put up with it because I love my house.
run out to have no more of something
Oh, no! Why didn’t you tell me we ran out of coffee?
set up to establish or to frame
They will set up a meeting to discuss the project.
show off to display one’s abilities or possessions
He likes to show off his new car to everyone.
stand by to support or to wait for
They promised to stand by their decision despite criticism.
stand for to represent or to tolerate
The initials stand for the company's name.
take off to leave
The plane will take off in half an hour.
turn on to cause something to start working; to activate
Let’s turn on the lights.
turn up to increase the volume, heat, or lights
This is my favourite song! Turn up it, please.
wait up to stay awaken
I’ll be home late tonight. You don’t have to wait up for me.
watch out to be careful of danger
Watch out! There’s a car coming!


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