Online Vocabulary Builder

My Mother

My mother is the closest and most important person to me. She has been by my side since I was born. She is always ready to help and listen to my problems or crazy ideas, and she can find the right words to help me feel comfortable and calm.

My mother's name is Anna. I think she is wonderful and graceful. She is also intelligent, caring, and hardworking. She cooks the most delicious food, grows amazing flowers in our garden, and keeps our cozy house clean and tidy.

My mother represents fortitude to me. She has seen a lot of pain and hard times in her life, yet she has achieved quite a lot and has maintained optimism, cheerfulness, and a sense of humour. I can learn a lot from her. I am sure that she always tries to do good and honest things, so she is a good example for me.

My mother embodies love for me. She can soothe my pain and ease my troubles. I often feel ashamed when I realise that I've upset her, and I frequently feel guilty when I forget to say a simple "thank you." Nevertheless, she continually reminds me that she loves me. A mother's love knows no boundaries; she forgives me for everything.

My mother represents faith and patience in my life. She prays for us and believes in us, holding an unwavering belief in her children. We can confide in her completely, sharing all our secrets and discussing even the most difficult topics that might be hard to talk about with others. We are true friends. Sometimes, we go shopping together and even read books to each other.

My mother gave me my life and wants me to live it the best way and always be happy. She respects my personality, supports me in my dreams, and understands my ambitions.

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