Online Vocabulary Builder

Studying English | Language | Most Common English Verbs

Verbs are one of the eight main parts of speech, and you can't form sentences without them.
Here’s a list of the most common verbs in English with examples of usage.
They are used frequently, so make sure you know all these verbs.


   achieve: (she worked hard to achieve her goals.)

   add: (please add some sugar to my tea.)

   agree: (i agree with your opinion on the matter.)

   allow: (they allow pets in this apartment building.)

   answer: (he didn't know how to answer the question.)

   appear: (she will appear on the tv show tonight.)

   arrive: (we will arrive at the station by noon.)

   avoid: (you should avoid eating too much junk food.)

   be: (to be or not to be, that is the question.)

   become: (he wants to become a doctor.)

   begin: (we will begin the meeting at 10 am.)

   believe: (i believe in your potential.)

   borrow: (can i borrow a pen from you?)

   bring: (please bring your own drinks to the party.)

   build: (they plan to build a new house next year.)

   buy: (i need to buy groceries for dinner.)

   catch: (she managed to catch the last bus home.)

   change: (it's time to change the batteries.)

   choose: (choose your favorite ice cream flavor.)

   climb: (he can climb the highest mountains.)

   close: (please close the door behind you.)

   come: (come over to my place for dinner.)

   consider: (we need to consider all the options.)

   continue: (they will continue working after lunch.)

   cook: (she loves to cook italian dishes.)

   could: (could you help me with this problem?)

   create: (she likes to create beautiful artwork.)

   cut: (he will cut the paper into shapes.)

   dance: (let's dance to our favorite song.)

   decide: (i need to decide what to wear.)

   describe: (can you describe what happened?)

   die: (the plant will die without water.)

   discover: (they aim to discover new species.)

   do: (do your homework before dinner.)

   draw: (she likes to draw pictures of animals.)

   drive: (he will drive us to the airport.)

   earn: (she wants to earn more money.)

   eat: (we will eat dinner at 7 pm.)

   enjoy: (i enjoy reading books in my free time.)

   expect: (we expect to arrive on time.)

   explain: (can you explain this to me?)

   fall: (the leaves fall from the trees in autumn.)

   feel: (i feel happy today.)

   fill: (please fill the glass with water.)

   find: (she can't find her keys.)

   fix: (he will fix the broken chair.)

   fly: (they will fly to new york next week.)

   follow: (follow the path to the lake.)

   forget: (don't forget to lock the door.)

   forgive: (can you forgive me for my mistake?)

   freeze: (water will freeze at 0 degrees celsius.)

   get: (i need to get some rest.)

   give: (she will give him a gift.)

   go: (let's go to the park.)

   grow: (plants need sunlight to grow.)

   guess: (can you guess the answer?)

   hang: (hang your coat on the rack.)

   happen: (what will happen next?)

   have: (i have two cats.)

   hear: (can you hear the music?)

   hold: (please hold my hand.)

   hope: (i hope you have a great day.)

   imagine: (imagine living in a world without war.)

   impress: (he wants to impress his boss.)

   improve: (she hopes to improve her skills.)

   include: (please include your contact information.)

   join: (would you like to join us for lunch?)

   jump: (the kids love to jump on the trampoline.)

   keep: (keep the change.)

   knock: (knock on the door before entering.)

   know: (i know the answer to the question.)

   lead: (she will lead the team.)

   learn: (i want to learn a new language.)

   leave: (please don't leave your things here.)

   lend: (can you lend me a book?)

   let: (let's go to the movies.)

   lift: (he can lift heavy weights.)

   light: (light the candle for the ceremony.)

   like: (i like to play soccer.)

   listen: (listen to the teacher.)

   live: (they live in a small village.)

   look: (look at the beautiful sunset.)

   lose: (don't lose your keys.)

   make: (she will make a cake.)

   mean: (what do you mean by that?)

   meet: (let's meet at the café.)

   move: (they will move to a new house.)

   must: (you must finish your homework.)

   need: (i need a new phone.)

   open: (open the window for some fresh air.)

   pay: (pay attention to the details.)

   plan: (we need to plan our vacation.)

   plant: (she wants to plant a garden.)

   play: (the children like to play outside.)

   promise: (i promise to help you.)

   provide: (they provide excellent customer service.)

   put: (put the book on the shelf.)

   reach: (she can reach the top shelf.)

   read: (i like to read mystery novels.)

   remain: (please remain seated.)

   remember: (remember to call me.)

   repair: (he will repair the broken lamp.)

   run: (she likes to run in the mornings.)

   say: (what did you say?)

   see: (i can't wait to see you.)

   seem: (you seem happy today.)

   send: (please send me the details.)

   serve: (they serve breakfast until 10 am.)

   share: (share your toys with your sister.)

   should: (you should exercise regularly.)

   show: (can you show me how to do it?)

   sit: (please sit down.)

   speak: (she can speak three languages.)

   spend: (they spend a lot of time together.)

   stand: (stand up straight.)

   start: (let's start the meeting.)

   stay: (please stay for dinner.)

   stop: (stop making so much noise.)

   take: (take your time.)

   tell: (tell me a story.)

   think: (i think we should leave now.)

   to break: (be careful not to break the vase.)

   to call: (i need to call my friend.)

   to clean: (it's time to clean the house.)

   to cover: (cover the pot with a lid.)

   to drink: (don't forget to drink water.)

   to exercise: (he likes to exercise every morning.)

   to kill: (it's wrong to kill any living being.)

   to laugh: (she loves to laugh at jokes.)

   to lie: (don't lie to your parents.)

   to love: (i love my family.)

   to offer: (he will offer his help.)

   to paint: (she likes to paint landscapes.)

   to work: (he has to work late tonight.)

   travel: (they love to travel around the world.)

   try: (try your best in the exam.)

   turn: (turn left at the next street.)

   understand: (do you understand the instructions?)

   use: (can i use your phone?)

   wait: (please wait here.)

   walk: (let's walk to the park.)

   want: (i want to go home.)

   watch: (watch your step.)

   win: (she hopes to win the competition.)

   write: (write your name on the paper.)

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