Online Vocabulary Builder

Studying English | Language | Commonly Confused English Words

Words that sound alike or look alike (Accept/Except) often confuse students, especially those who use spell checkers.
This list of commonly confused words with the usage examples will help you decide which spelling fits your sentence.


   affect: (the new policy will affect all employees.)

   effect: (the effect of the new policy was immediately noticeable.)

   accept: (she decided to accept the job offer.)

   except: (everyone except john was invited to the meeting.)

   advise: (i advise you to review the document carefully.)

   advice: (his advice helped me solve the problem.)

   allude: (she alluded to the challenges they faced without going into detail.)

   elude: (the answer eluded him despite his best efforts.)

   assure: (i assure you that everything is under control.)

   ensure: (please ensure that the door is locked when you leave.)

   brought: (she brought her favorite book to the meeting.)

   bought: (he bought a new car last week.)

   cereal: (i had a bowl of cereal for breakfast.)

   serial: (he is addicted to watching serial dramas.)

   complement: (the red wine complements the steak perfectly.)

   compliment: (she gave him a compliment on his presentation.)

   counsel: (she sought counsel from a trusted advisor.)

   council: (the city council will meet to discuss the issue.)

   desert: (the sahara is a vast desert.)

   dessert: (we had ice cream for dessert.)

   defence: (the team’s defence was strong in the first half.)

   defense: (the defense attorney presented a strong case.)

   emigrate: (they decided to emigrate to canada.)

   immigrate: (she plans to immigrate to the united states next year.)

   further: (we need to discuss this further at the next meeting.)

   father: (my father gave me some great advice.)

   hear: (i can hear the music from my room.)

   here: (please sit here and wait.)

   it’s: (it’s going to be a sunny day.)

   its: (the company is known for its excellent service.)

   infer: (from his tone, i could infer that he was unhappy.)

   imply: (she didn't say it directly, but she seemed to imply that i was responsible.)

   knew: (i knew he would be late.)

   new: (she bought a new dress for the party.)

   lay: (please lay the book on the table.)

   lie: (i need to lie down for a few minutes.)

   lose: (don't lose your keys again.)

   loose: (the screw is loose and needs to be tightened.)

   lead: (he will lead the team in the project.)

   led: (she led the team to victory.)

   piece: (can i have a piece of cake?)

   peace: (they signed a treaty to ensure peace.)

   principle: (she is a person of high principle.)

   principal: (the principal of the school gave a speech.)

   quiet: (the library is a quiet place to study.)

   quite: (she is quite knowledgeable about the topic.)

   right: (you were right about the directions.)

   write: (please write your name on the form.)

   stationary: (the car remained stationary at the red light.)

   stationery: (i need to buy some new stationery for the office.)

   two: (i have two cats.)

   too: (i want to go too.)

   their: (their house is the one on the corner.)

   there: (i will meet you there at noon.)

   wait: (we had to wait for an hour.)

   weight: (she is trying to lose weight.)

   who’s: (who’s going to the party tonight?)

   whose: (whose book is this?)

   woman: (she is a strong and independent woman.)

   women: (the women in the group were very supportive.)

   your: (is this your pen?)

   you’re: (you’re going to love this movie.)

   allude: (she alluded to her previous job without naming it.)

   elude: (the criminal managed to elude the police.)

   coarse: (the coarse sand felt rough under my feet.)

   course: (he took a course in french.)

   allowed: (pets are not allowed in this hotel.)

   aloud: (please read the instructions aloud.)

   ate: (i ate lunch at noon.)

   eight: (there are eight slices of pizza.)

   forth: (they set forth on their journey early in the morning.)

   fourth: (she finished fourth in the race.)

   break: (i need to take a break.)

   brake: (he pressed the brake to stop the car.)

   conscience: (his conscience told him to tell the truth.)

   conscious: (she was conscious during the entire operation.)

   plane: (the plane landed safely.)

   plain: (she prefers plain clothes without any patterns.)

   capitol: (the capitol building is in the city center.)

   capital: (paris is the capital of france.)

   whether: (i don’t know whether to go or stay.)

   weather: (the weather is sunny today.)

   which: (which book do you want to read?)

   witch: (she dressed as a witch for halloween.)

   whom: (to whom should i address the letter?)

   who: (who is coming to the party?)

   moral: (the story has a clear moral.)

   morale: (the team’s morale is very high after the win.)

   pique: (the article piqued his interest.)

   peak: (we reached the peak of the mountain.)

   pray: (she likes to pray every morning.)

   prey: (the lion hunted its prey.)

   averse: (she is averse to taking unnecessary risks.)

   adverse: (the adverse weather conditions forced us to cancel the trip.)

   all ready: (we are all ready to start the meeting.)

   already: (i already finished my homework.)

   altar: (they were married at the altar.)

   alter: (please alter the dress to fit her better.)

   confidant: (she is my closest confidant.)

   confident: (he is confident about his presentation.)

   beside: (she sat beside her friend.)

   besides: (besides being a teacher, she is also a writer.)

   week: (she will visit next week.)

   weak: (he felt weak after the workout.)

   accident: (there was an accident on the highway.)

   incident: (the incident happened late last night.)

   can: (can you help me with this task?)

   may: (you may leave early today.)

   has: (she has a meeting at 3 pm.)

   have: (they have finished their work.)

   was: (he was at the office yesterday.)

   were: (they were happy with the results.)

   do: (do you know the answer?)

   does: (she does her homework every evening.)

   macro: (we studied the macro trends in the economy.)

   micro: (he used a micro lens to examine the specimen.)

   all right: (everything is all right now.)

   alright: (are you feeling alright?)

   effective: (the new strategy proved to be effective.)

   efficient: (she is very efficient at managing her time.)

   worse: (the situation got worse after the meeting.)

   worst: (that was the worst movie i have ever seen.)

   either: (you can choose either option.)

   neither: (neither of the answers is correct.)

   chose: (she chose the blue dress.)

   choose: (you can choose any book from the shelf.)

   of: (the color of the sky is beautiful.)

   off: (please turn off the lights.)

   awhile: (he rested awhile before continuing.)

   a while: (it took a while to finish the project.)

   four: (there are four apples in the basket.)

   for: (this gift is for you.)

   imitate: (children often imitate their parents.)

   intimate: (they had an intimate conversation over dinner.)

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