Online Vocabulary Builder

Society, Religion and Politics | Crime, Law and Justice | Criminals and Law


   absconding: (the suspect is absconding after breaking his bail conditions.)

   abuses: (the witness testified about the abuses she suffered.)

   accomplice: (the police arrested the thief and his accomplice.)

   accused: (the accused pleaded not guilty in court.)

   acquit: (the jury decided to acquit the defendant due to lack of evidence.)

   alien: (the alien was detained for entering the country illegally.)

   alleged offences: (the lawyer argued against the alleged offences during the trial.)

   appeal: (the defendant plans to appeal the guilty verdict.)

   appeals court: (the case was taken to the appeals court for review.)

   arsonist: (the arsonist was caught on camera setting the building on fire.)

   assassin: (the assassin was hired to eliminate the political figure.)

   attacker: (the attacker was identified through security footage.)

   badgering: (the lawyer was accused of badgering the witness during cross-examination.)

   bail: (the judge set a high bail to ensure the suspect would appear in court.)

   bail conditions: (he violated his bail conditions by leaving the state.)

   bandit: (the bandit was known for robbing trains in the 1800s.)

   blackmailer: (the blackmailer demanded money in exchange for keeping the secret.)

   burglar: (the burglar broke into the house through the back window.)

   case: (the detective worked tirelessly on the case.)

   charge: (the police decided to charge the suspect with theft.)

   civil liability: (the company faced civil liability for the environmental damage.)

   commit: (he was found guilty of committing fraud.)

   conspirator: (the conspirator was part of a larger criminal network.)

   convict: (the jury decided to convict the defendant based on the evidence.)

   conviction: (his conviction was overturned on appeal.)

   county court: (the dispute was resolved in county court.)

   court: (the case was scheduled to be heard in court next month.)

   court hearings: (the court hearings lasted for several weeks.)

   court order: (a court order was issued to stop the demolition.)

   criminal: (the criminal was sentenced to ten years in prison.)

   criminal law: (she specializes in criminal law.)

   dealer: (the dealer was arrested for selling illegal drugs.)

   defence: (the defence argued that the evidence was insufficient.)

   defend: (he hired a lawyer to defend him in court.)

   defense: (the defense presented a strong case.)

   disclosing: (disclosing confidential information is a serious offense.)

   drink-driver: (the drink-driver was fined and banned from driving.)

   drug dealer: (the drug dealer was caught during a police sting.)

   evidence: (the prosecution presented new evidence during the trial.)

   family court: (the custody battle was settled in family court.)

   find: (the jury must find the defendant guilty or not guilty.)

   first offender: (as a first offender, he received a lighter sentence.)

   fraudster: (the fraudster was known for his elaborate scams.)

   gangster: (the gangster was involved in various illegal activities.)

   guilt: (he admitted his guilt in the crime.)

   guilty: (the jury found the defendant guilty of all charges.)

   gunman: (the gunman was apprehended by the police.)

   gunwoman: (the gunwoman was involved in the bank robbery.)

   hacker: (the hacker breached the company's security system.)

   hear: (the judge will hear the arguments from both sides.)

   hearing: (the preliminary hearing is scheduled for next week.)

   hijacker: (the hijacker took control of the plane and demanded a ransom.)

   identity thief: (the identity thief stole personal information to commit fraud.)

   innocence: (she maintained her innocence throughout the trial.)

   innocent: (the jury declared the defendant innocent.)

   intruder: (the intruder was caught trying to break into the house.)

   judge: (the judge listened carefully to both sides before making a decision.)

   judgement: (the judgement was in favor of the plaintiff.)

   judicial: (the judicial system aims to ensure justice for all.)

   jurisdiction: (the case falls under the jurisdiction of the federal court.)

   jury duty: (he was called for jury duty and had to serve for two weeks.)

   justice: (the victim's family sought justice for their loss.)

   juvenile: (the juvenile was sent to a detention center.)

   juvenile delinquent: (the juvenile delinquent was involved in several petty crimes.)

   kidnapper: (the kidnapper demanded a ransom for the child's release.)

   killer: (the killer was sentenced to life in prison.)

   lawsuit: (the company filed a lawsuit against the former employee.)

   legal action: (they decided to take legal action against the fraudulent contractor.)

   mugger: (the mugger attacked his victims late at night.)

   murderer: (the murderer was apprehended after a long manhunt.)

   offender: (the offender was required to attend rehabilitation programs.)

   outlaw: (the outlaw was known for robbing banks in the old west.)

   pickpocket: (the pickpocket was caught in the act by the police.)

   pirate: (the pirate hijacked the ship and demanded a ransom.)

   plea: (he entered a plea of not guilty.)

   plead: (the defendant decided to plead guilty to the charges.)

   poacher: (the poacher was arrested for hunting endangered animals.)

   pretrial: (the pretrial hearing will determine if there is enough evidence for a trial.)

   prisoner: (the prisoner was granted parole after serving half of his sentence.)

   prosecute: (the state decided to prosecute the case vigorously.)

   prosecution: (the prosecution presented a strong case against the defendant.)

   raider: (the raider was caught during a bank heist.)

   rapist: (the rapist was sentenced to a lengthy prison term.)

   record: (he had a criminal record dating back ten years.)

   rioter: (the rioter was arrested for causing public disorder.)

   robber: (the robber was caught by the police while trying to escape.)

   rule: (the judge's rule was final and binding.)

   ruling: (the ruling was in favor of the defendant.)

   scammer: (the scammer tricked people into giving him money.)

   sentence: (the judge handed down a harsh sentence for the crime.)

   serious harm: (the defendant was charged with causing serious harm to the victim.)

   shoplifter: (the shoplifter was caught stealing clothes from the store.)

   smuggler: (the smuggler was arrested at the border with illegal goods.)

   suspect: (the suspect was seen fleeing the scene of the crime.)

   terrorist: (the terrorist was involved in a plot to attack the city.)

   testify: (she agreed to testify against the defendant in court.)

   thief: (the thief was caught red-handed with the stolen goods.)

   trafficker: (the trafficker was arrested for smuggling humans across the border.)

   trial: (the trial lasted for three weeks before a verdict was reached.)

   try: (the court will try the case next month.)

   uphold: (the appeals court decided to uphold the original verdict.)

   vandal: (the vandal was caught defacing public property.)

   verdict: (the jury delivered a guilty verdict after deliberating for two days.)

   war criminal: (the war criminal was tried at the international tribunal.)

   whistleblowing: (whistleblowing led to the exposure of corporate corruption.)

   witness: (the witness provided a detailed account of what happened.)

   wrongdoing: (the company was investigated for corporate wrongdoing.)

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