Online Vocabulary Builder

Social Interaction | Dialogue | Discussion and Agreement


   accept: (i decided to accept the offer after a thorough discussion with the team.)

   acceptable: (the proposed changes were acceptable to everyone involved.)

   acceptance: (her acceptance of the terms helped us finalize the agreement quickly.)

   accommodate: (we can accommodate your suggestions to improve the project.)

   to agree: (we need to agree on the final budget before proceeding.)

   agreed: (we agreed to implement the new strategy starting next month.)

   agreement: (the agreement was signed after several rounds of negotiation.)

   alliance: (we formed an alliance with another department to achieve our goals.)

   arrangement: (the new arrangement allows us to work more efficiently.)

   bargain: (i was able to bargain for additional resources for our team.)

   bargaining: (bargaining for better terms was crucial to our project's success.)

   commit: (i commit to meeting all deadlines and delivering quality work.)

   commitment: (her commitment to the project ensured its success.)

   compliance: (ensuring compliance with industry standards is essential for our company.)

   compromise: (we reached a compromise that satisfied both parties.)

   to compromise: (we had to compromise on some points to move forward.)

   concede: (i had to concede a few points to reach an agreement.)

   concession: (the concession made by the other party helped finalize the deal.)

   condition: (the contract included a condition that work must start immediately.)

   confer: (we need to confer with the legal team before making a decision.)

   confirm: (please confirm your attendance at the meeting.)

   consensus: (we reached a consensus after several hours of discussion.)

   consent: (we need your consent to proceed with the plan.)

   contract: (the contract was reviewed by both legal teams.)

   convention: (the convention set the standard for future agreements.)

   deal: (we closed the deal after three rounds of negotiation.)

   dialogue: (open dialogue helped resolve the issues quickly.)

   discuss: (we need to discuss the new proposal in detail.)

   discussion: (the discussion was productive and led to a solid plan.)

   go along with: (i decided to go along with their suggestion.)

   handshake: (the agreement was sealed with a handshake.)

   hash out: (let's hash out the details before finalizing the contract.)

   hold out for: (they decided to hold out for better terms.)

   make up: (after a long dispute, they managed to make up and move forward.)

   negotiable: (the terms of the contract are negotiable.)

   negotiate: (we need to negotiate better terms for the agreement.)

   negotiation: (the negotiation took several days to complete.)

   parley: (they decided to parley to avoid further conflict.)

   to parley: (we need to parley with the other party to find common ground.)

   party: (each party must agree to the terms before signing the contract.)

   protocol: (the protocol outlines the steps for reaching an agreement.)

   red line: (their red line was non-negotiable, making the talks challenging.)

   resolution: (we reached a resolution that satisfied all parties involved.)

   resolve: (we need to resolve these issues before proceeding.)

   settle: (they managed to settle their differences amicably.)

   settlement: (the settlement was fair and acceptable to both sides.)

   sign: (they agreed to sign the contract next week.)

   small print: (make sure to read the small print before signing any contract.)

   submission: (the submission of the proposal was done on time.)

   submit: (please submit your feedback by the end of the week.)

   talk over: (we need to talk over the new project details.)

   terms: (the terms of the agreement were clear and concise.)

   terms and conditions: (please review the terms and conditions before agreeing.)

   tolerance: (tolerance for different viewpoints is essential in a discussion.)

   tolerant: (he was tolerant of differing opinions during the meeting.)

   toleration: (toleration of minor setbacks is important for progress.)

   treaty: (the treaty was signed after months of negotiation.)

   truce: (they called a truce to end the long-standing dispute.)

   understanding: (we have a mutual understanding of the project's goals.)

   undertake: (i will undertake the task of coordinating the meetings.)

   undertaking: (the project was a significant undertaking for the team.)

   united: (we are united in our commitment to this initiative.)

   unity: (the unity of the team was evident in their collaborative efforts.)

   wrap up: (let's wrap up this meeting with a summary of our agreements.)

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