Online Vocabulary Builder

Art and Culture | Media | News Making


   jingle: (the catchy jingle plays before the news starts.)

   transmitter: (the transmitter is located on the hill.)

   wireless: (the wireless network allowed for live updates.)

   satellite: (the news was transmitted via satellite.)

   human interest: (they wrote a human interest story about a local hero.)

   journalism: (she studied journalism in college.)

   advice column: (she writes an advice column in the local newspaper.)

   adapt: (journalists need to adapt to new technologies.)

   transmission: (the transmission was interrupted by technical issues.)

   televise: (the awards ceremony will be televised live.)

   screen: (they watched the breaking news on the big screen.)

   transmit: (the station can transmit signals over a large area.)

   podcast: (she listens to a podcast about true crime.)

   pre-record: (they pre-record interviews to edit them later.)

   frequency: (the radio station changed its frequency.)

   newsgathering: (newsgathering requires reporters to be in the field.)

   article: (i read an interesting article about climate change.)

   recording: (the recording of the interview was clear.)

   broadcast: (the football game will be broadcast live.)

   review: (the critic wrote a scathing review of the film.)

   studio: (the interview was conducted in the tv studio.)

   source: (the reporter cited an anonymous source.)

   current events: (they discussed current events in their social studies class.)

   headline: (the headline grabbed everyone's attention.)

   listing: (check the tv listing for showtimes.)

   theme music: (the news program's theme music is very recognizable.)

   advertise: (they decided to advertise the new show on social media.)

   press conference: (the press conference was held at city hall.)

   introduce: (the host will introduce the next segment.)

   fact-check: (it’s important to fact-check information before publishing.)

   photojournalism: (photojournalism captures powerful images of events.)

   news: (he watches the evening news every day.)

   lead story: (the lead story tonight is about the election results.)

   playlist: (the radio station updated its playlist for the summer.)

   antenna: (the tv antenna needs to be adjusted for better reception.)

   schedule: (the tv schedule lists all the programs for the week.)

   publish: (the newspaper will publish the story tomorrow.)

   network: (the show is broadcast on a major network.)

   close down: (the local radio station will close down next month.)

   preview: (we watched a preview of the new movie.)

   station: (the local news station covers community events.)

   report: (the report highlighted the key issues.)

   news conference: (the ceo held a news conference to address the scandal.)

   digital: (digital media is becoming more popular.)

   contribute: (he contributes articles to several magazines.)

   show: (the news show airs at 7 pm.)

   cable television: (they subscribe to cable television for more channels.)

   commentary: (the political commentary sparked a lot of debates.)

   coverage: (the coverage of the event was extensive.)

   current affairs: (she enjoys watching programs about current affairs.)

   broadcasting: (broadcasting the event requires careful planning.)

   story: (the lead story was about a major earthquake.)

   gossip column: (the gossip column often features celebrity news.)

   item: (the news item about the charity event was heartwarming.)

   go out: (the news bulletin will go out at 6 pm.)

   press agency: (the press agency sent out a press release.)

   receiver: (the receiver needs to be adjusted for better sound quality.)

   radio: (he listens to the news on the radio every morning.)

   interview: (the reporter conducted an interview with the mayor.)

   news desk: (the news desk is busy covering breaking stories.)

   news agency: (the news agency provides reports to various outlets.)

   newsroom: (the newsroom was buzzing with activity.)

   to report: (she was sent to report on the hurricane.)

   reporting: (his reporting on the war was highly praised.)

   editorial: (the editorial criticized the government's policy.)

   to cover: (the reporter was sent to cover the election.)

   programming: (the network announced its fall programming lineup.)

   advertising: (the newspaper relies on advertising for revenue.)

   signal: (the tv signal was disrupted during the storm.)

   receive: (i received the news via email.)

   voice-over: (the documentary featured a voice-over by a famous actor.)

   on camera: (the anchor looked calm and composed on camera.)

   fake news: (beware of fake news circulating on the internet.)

   censorship: (censorship can limit the freedom of the press.)

   wavelength: (the radio operates on a different wavelength now.)

   appear: (she will appear on the news tonight.)

   spot: (she has a regular spot on the morning show.)

   tower: (the radio tower broadcasts signals across the region.)

   camera: (the camera crew set up for the interview.)

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