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Studying English | Language | Most Common Nouns, Part 1

Here, you can find the 1000 most common nouns in English.
We have divided them into five lessons to optimise your learning process.
This is the Part 1.


   account: (she opened a new bank account.)

   act: (he performed a brave act.)

   action: (taking immediate action was necessary.)

   age: (he retired at the age of 65.)

   air: (the fresh air felt good.)

   amount: (the total amount is $50.)

   approach: (he has a unique approach to problem-solving.)

   area: (this area is known for its beautiful parks.)

   art: (she loves modern art.)

   authority: (the teacher has authority over the students.)

   award: (she received an award for her performance.)

   back: (he turned his back to the audience.)

   bank: (she deposited money at the bank.)

   basis: (we meet on a regular basis.)

   bed: (she went to bed early.)

   board: (he serves on the board of directors.)

   body: (she has a healthy body.)

   book: (he is reading a fascinating book.)

   business: (she started her own business.)

   car: (he bought a new car.)

   care: (she takes good care of her pets.)

   case: (this is a clear case of negligence.)

   centre: (the town centre is very busy.)

   century: (we are living in the 21st century.)

   change: (she noticed a change in his behavior.)

   chapter: (she read the first chapter of the book.)

   child: (the child was playing in the park.)

   church: (they got married in a small church.)

   city: (new york is a bustling city.)

   class: (she attended a yoga class.)

   club: (he joined a chess club.)

   committee: (the committee will meet next week.)

   community: (she is an active member of the community.)

   company: (she works for a tech company.)

   control: (he lost control of the vehicle.)

   cost: (the cost of living has increased.)

   council: (the city council approved the project.)

   country: (canada is a large country.)

   course: (he is taking a course in computer science.)

   court: (the case went to court.)

   date: (they set a date for the wedding.)

   day: (she had a busy day.)

   death: (his death was a great loss.)

   decision: (she made a difficult decision.)

   department: (he works in the marketing department.)

   development: (the development of the new product is underway.)

   door: (she opened the door slowly.)

   east: (the sun rises in the east.)

   education: (she values education highly.)

   effect: (the effect of the medicine was immediate.)

   end: (they reached the end of the road.)

   evidence: (there was no evidence of a crime.)

   example: (she set a good example for her peers.)

   experience: (she has a lot of experience in teaching.)

   face: (she had a smile on her face.)

   fact: (it is a known fact.)

   family: (she spent the holiday with her family.)

   father: (her father is a doctor.)

   field: (the field was full of flowers.)

   figure: (she has a slender figure.)

   food: (she loves italian food.)

   form: (please fill out this form.)

   friend: (he is my best friend.)

   front: (she stood at the front of the line.)

   future: (he is optimistic about the future.)

   game: (they played a fun game.)

   girl: (the little girl was laughing.)

   god: (they prayed to their god.)

   government: (the government announced a new policy.)

   group: (she joined a study group.)

   hand: (he raised his hand to ask a question.)

   head: (she nodded her head in agreement.)

   health: (he is in good health.)

   history: (she loves studying history.)

   home: (she felt at home.)

   hospital: (he was admitted to the hospital.)

   house: (they bought a new house.)

   idea: (she had a brilliant idea.)

   industry: (the tech industry is booming.)

   information: (he gathered all the information needed.)

   interest: (she has a keen interest in science.)

   issue: (they discussed the issue at length.)

   job: (he got a new job.)

   john: (john is coming over for dinner.)

   kind: (she is very kind to everyone.)

   king: (the king ruled for many years.)

   knowledge: (she has a lot of knowledge about art.)

   land: (they own a piece of land.)

   language: (she speaks three languages.)

   law: (he is studying law.)

   level: (she reached a high level in the game.)

   life: (she enjoys her life.)

   light: (the room was filled with light.)

   line: (he drew a straight line.)

   lord: (the lord of the manor greeted them.)

   lot: (they have a lot of work to do.)

   love: (she is in love.)

   man: (the man was tall.)

   management: (he is studying business management.)

   manager: (she is the new manager.)

   march: (they will march in the parade.)

   market: (they went to the market.)

   may: (may is a beautiful month.)

   member: (he is a member of the club.)

   mind: (she changed her mind.)

   minister: (the minister announced the new policy.)

   moment: (she paused for a moment.)

   money: (he saved a lot of money.)

   month: (she is due next month.)

   morning: (she jogs every morning.)

   mother: (her mother is kind.)

   music: (she loves listening to music.)

   name: (her name is anna.)

   nature: (she enjoys being in nature.)

   need: (there is a need for more resources.)

   news: (he heard the news on the radio.)

   night: (she worked late into the night.)

   north: (they traveled north.)

   office: (she works in a spacious office.)

   order: (she placed an order online.)

   other: (there are no other options.)

   paper: (he wrote a paper on the topic.)

   part: (this is part of the plan.)

   party: (they attended a birthday party.)

   period: (the renaissance was an interesting period.)

   person: (she is a kind person.)

   place: (this is a nice place to live.)

   point: (he made a valid point.)

   police: (the police arrived quickly.)

   policy: (the new policy was implemented.)

   position: (she applied for the position.)

   power: (the president has a lot of power.)

   practice: (she has soccer practice today.)

   president: (the president gave a speech.)

   price: (the price of the item was high.)

   problem: (they solved the problem together.)

   process: (the process was complicated.)

   production: (the production of the film is ongoing.)

   programme: (she enrolled in a new programme.)

   project: (they are working on a big project.)

   quality: (the quality of the product is excellent.)

   question: (she asked a difficult question.)

   range: (they offer a wide range of services.)

   rate: (the unemployment rate is high.)

   reason: (she has a good reason for her actions.)

   report: (he wrote a detailed report.)

   research: (she is conducting research on the topic.)

   result: (the result was surprising.)

   right: (she knows her rights.)

   road: (they walked down the road.)

   role: (she plays a key role in the company.)

   room: (the room was spacious.)

   school: (she attends a local school.)

   secretary: (the secretary scheduled the meeting.)

   section: (this section is closed off.)

   sense: (he has a good sense of humor.)

   series: (she watched the entire series.)

   service: (the service was excellent.)

   side: (they walked side by side.)

   sir: (yes, sir, i understand.)

   situation: (the situation is under control.)

   society: (she studies society and culture.)

   sort: (what sort of music do you like?)

   south: (they moved to the south.)

   staff: (the staff is very helpful.)

   stage: (he is performing on stage.)

   state: (the state of the economy is improving.)

   street: (she lives on elm street.)

   study: (he is doing a study on climate change.)

   subject: (math is her favorite subject.)

   support: (she offers support to her friends.)

   system: (the system needs an update.)

   table: (they sat at the table.)

   tax: (they are discussing a new tax law.)

   team: (she is part of a great team.)

   thing: (this is my favorite thing.)

   time: (time flies when you’re having fun.)

   top: (she climbed to the top of the hill.)

   town: (the town is small but charming.)

   trade: (he works in the trade industry.)

   type: (what type of car do you drive?)

   union: (she is a member of the union.)

   university: (she graduated from university last year.)

   us: (they came to visit us.)

   use: (she knows how to use a computer.)

   value: (she values honesty above all.)

   view: (the view from the window is beautiful.)

   voice: (she has a lovely voice.)

   war: (the war lasted for years.)

   water: (she drinks a lot of water.)

   way: (this is the way to the park.)

   week: (she will visit next week.)

   west: (they traveled west.)

   wife: (he loves his wife dearly.)

   woman: (she is a strong woman.)

   word: (she wrote a kind word.)

   work: (he loves his work.)

   world: (she wants to travel the world.)

   year: (he graduated last year.)

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