Online Vocabulary Builder

Social Interaction | Other Emotions | Like, Dislike, and Preferences


   to abide: (she couldn't abide his constant criticism.)

   to adore: (he absolutely adores his grandmother.)

   to despise: (they despise dishonesty in any form.)

   to dislike: (she dislikes going to crowded places.)

   to favour: (the teacher tends to favour hardworking students.)

   to hate: (i hate waking up early on weekends.)

   to heart: (she took his advice to heart and worked harder.)

   to like: (i really like this new restaurant.)

   to love: (they love spending time together on weekends.)

   to please: (he always tries to please his parents.)

   to prefer: (she prefers tea over coffee in the morning.)

   admiration: (his hard work earned him the admiration of his colleagues.)

   anathema: (lying is anathema to her.)

   antipathetic: (he felt antipathetic towards the idea of moving abroad.)

   antipathy: (she has a strong antipathy towards cruelty to animals.)

   averse: (he is averse to making any drastic changes.)

   aversion: (she has a strong aversion to spiders.)

   disgust: (the sight of the mess filled her with disgust.)

   enamoured: (he is enamoured with the city's vibrant culture.)

   enemy: (they have been enemies since their school days.)

   faddy: (she has a faddy taste in food, always preferring the latest trends.)

   favoured: (this spot is favoured by tourists for its scenic views.)

   finicky: (he is very finicky about how his food is prepared.)

   for your liking: (is the room temperature to your liking?)

   frenemy: (she realized her colleague was more of a frenemy than a friend.)

   go for: (he decided to go for the job opportunity abroad.)

   go off: (she used to love chocolate but has gone off it recently.)

   grow on: (the new music album is starting to grow on me.)

   grudge: (she holds a grudge against him for not helping her.)

   inclined: (he felt inclined to accept the offer.)

   keen: (she is keen to learn more about different cultures.)

   lean to: (they lean to traditional methods of teaching.)

   lean toward: (she seems to lean toward a more conservative viewpoint.)

   lean towards: (he leans towards vegetarian options at meals.)

   leaning: (he has a leaning towards modern art.)

   mad: (she is mad about her new puppy.)

   overfond: (he is overfond of sweets and pastries.)

   partial: (i am partial to a good cup of coffee.)

   partiality: (her partiality for jazz music is well known.)

   passion: (his passion for photography is evident in his work.)

   penchant: (she has a penchant for collecting vintage items.)

   picky: (he is very picky about his clothing choices.)

   potty: (she is potty about gardening.)

   preferable: (a direct flight is preferable to one with layovers.)

   preferably: (we should leave early, preferably by 7 am.)

   preference: (her preference is for italian cuisine.)

   prejudice: (they faced prejudice due to their different backgrounds.)

   prejudiced: (he is prejudiced against certain types of music.)

   put off: (the long wait time put me off from going to the new restaurant.)

   repugnance: (she felt a sense of repugnance at the sight of the dirty room.)

   repulsion: (the smell of rotten food caused a feeling of repulsion.)

   resistance: (there was significant resistance to the new policy.)

   take against: (she took against him for no apparent reason.)

   take to: (he quickly took to his new role at the company.)

   warm to: (she began to warm to the idea of moving abroad.)

   warm towards: (he warmed towards his new neighbors after getting to know them.)

   would: (i would prefer to stay home tonight rather than go out.)

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