Online Vocabulary Builder

People | Feelings | Happiness, Disappointment, Love and Anger


   disappointment: (the cancellation of the concert was a big disappointment.)

   to love: (she loves spending time with her family.)

   regret: (he expressed regret for his harsh words.)

   disappointed: (she was disappointed with her exam results.)

   to annoy: (his constant interruptions began to annoy her.)

   hope: (they never gave up hope of finding him.)

   to hope: (she hopes to visit japan someday.)

   heaven: (for him, the beach is like heaven.)

   secure: (she felt secure in her new home.)

   satisfied: (the customer was satisfied with the service.)

   crazy: (her friends thought she was crazy for skydiving.)

   delighted: (she was delighted to receive the gift.)

   bad: (she felt bad for forgetting his birthday.)

   relief: (she felt a sense of relief after finishing the exam.)

   sorry: (he said he was sorry for the mistake.)

   to sigh: (she sighed with relief.)

   trouble: (they ran into trouble on their road trip.)

   attraction: (there was an immediate attraction between them.)

   security: (financial security is important for a stable life.)

   angry: (he was angry when he found out about the lie.)

   amusement: (her story caused great amusement among the children.)

   cheerful: (he always has a cheerful attitude.)

   glad: (i am glad you could come to the party.)

   to fulfil: (he worked hard to fulfil his dreams.)

   happiness: (happiness is the key to a fulfilling life.)

   laugh: (they couldn't stop laughing at the joke.)

   grateful: (she was grateful for their support.)

   smile: (her smile lit up the room.)

   argument: (they had a heated argument about politics.)

   to smile: (he smiled when he saw her.)

   disillusioned: (he felt disillusioned by the political system.)

   to argue: (they often argue about money.)

   heart: (her heart was filled with joy.)

   happy: (she was happy to see her old friends again.)

   joy: (the birth of their child brought them great joy.)

   pleased: (she was pleased with her new job.)

   to complain: (he complained about the cold food.)

   to care: (she really cares about her friends.)

   annoyed: (she was annoyed by the constant noise outside.)

   mad: (he was mad at his brother for breaking his toy.)

   love: (she fell in love with paris.)

   passionate: (he is passionate about environmental conservation.)

   proud: (they were proud of their son's achievements.)

   to fail: (she was afraid to fail the test.)

   to enjoy: (he enjoys reading mystery novels.)

   annoying: (his habit of tapping his pen was very annoying.)

   to adore: (she adores her little niece.)

   to satisfy: (the meal was enough to satisfy his hunger.)

   desire: (he had a strong desire to travel the world.)

   honour: (it was an honour to meet the president.)

   to disappoint: (the ending of the movie disappointed her.)

   to angrily: (he angrily denied the accusation.)

   fun: (they had a lot of fun at the amusement park.)

   passion: (she has a passion for cooking.)

   to laugh: (they love to laugh together.)

   enjoyment: (she found great enjoyment in painting.)

   pleasure: (it was a pleasure to meet you.)

   feel good: (a long walk always makes me feel good.)

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