Online Vocabulary Builder

Health and Fitness | Healthcare | In Hospital


   maternity: (the maternity ward welcomed several newborns last night.)

   admission: (his admission to the hospital was scheduled for tomorrow.)

   medical: (medical staff worked around the clock to care for patients.)

   blood group: (knowing your blood group can be crucial in emergencies.)

   dispensary: (the hospital's dispensary provides medications to patients.)

   aftercare: (proper aftercare is essential for post-operative recovery.)

   diagnose: (the doctor will diagnose the cause of her symptoms.)

   hospice: (she volunteered at a local hospice caring for terminally ill patients.)

   radiography: (radiography helped diagnose the fracture.)

   round: (the doctor made rounds to check on patients.)

   health check: (he went for a comprehensive health check before starting a new job.)

   check-up: (he goes for a routine check-up every six months.)

   mri (magnetic resonance imaging): (the mri scan detected a herniated disc.)

   hospitalisation: (his hospitalisation lasted for two weeks.)

   prognosis: (the doctor gave a positive prognosis for recovery.)

   cat scan: (the cat scan revealed a small tumour in her brain.)

   blood test: (she had a blood test to check her cholesterol levels.)

   hospitalise: (they had to hospitalise him due to severe dehydration.)

   mra (magnetic resonance angiogram): (she underwent an mra to assess blood flow.)

   mortuary: (the mortuary handled deceased patients with respect.)

   echocardiography: (echocardiography is used to assess heart function.)

   hospital: (he works as a nurse at a large city hospital.)

   echocardiogram: (an echocardiogram showed abnormalities in her heart.)

   readmit: (he was readmitted to the hospital for further treatment.)

   outpatient: (she visits the hospital as an outpatient for regular check-ups.)

   diagnosis: (her diagnosis confirmed she had pneumonia.)

   emergency room: (they rushed him to the emergency room after the accident.)

   inpatient: (she was an inpatient for rehabilitation after knee surgery.)

   polyclinic: (the polyclinic offers a range of medical services.)

   community hospital: (the community hospital serves the rural population.)

   examination: (the doctor conducted a thorough examination of the patient.)

   internship: (he completed his medical internship at a prestigious hospital.)

   ambulance: (the ambulance arrived promptly to transport the injured patient.)

   recovery: (her recovery from surgery was swift.)

   accident and emergency: (she was rushed to accident and emergency after the car accident.)

   sample: (the lab technician collected a blood sample for analysis.)

   infirmary: (the school infirmary treats students with minor illnesses.)

   biopsy: (the doctor performed a biopsy to examine the tissue sample.)

   ccu (coronary care unit): (he was admitted to the ccu after a heart attack.)

   patient: (the patient's condition improved after surgery.)

   clinic: (the local clinic provides free vaccinations.)

   diagnostic: (they performed various diagnostic tests to determine the illness.)

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