Online Vocabulary Builder

Education | School | At School


   after-school: (the students attended an after-school program for extra help with art.)

   assignment: (i need to finish my science assignment by tomorrow.)

   assistance: (she asked the teacher for assistance with her project.)

   assistant: (the teacher’s assistant helped grade the papers.)

   bell: (the school bell rang, signaling the end of the period.)

   blackboard: (the teacher wrote the homework assignment on the blackboard.)

   blazer: (he wore his school blazer to the ceremony.)

   book: (she borrowed a book from the library.)

   bunk off school: (they decided to bunk off school and go to the beach.)

   calculator: (i used a calculator to solve the math problem.)

   canteen: (we had lunch in the school canteen.)

   chalk: (the teacher used white chalk to write on the board.)

   chalkboard: (the old classroom had a large chalkboard.)

   chapel: (they attended morning prayers in the school chapel.)

   classroom: (the classroom was decorated with student artwork.)

   classwork: (he completed his classwork early.)

   common room: (the students relaxed in the common room during their break.)

   corporal punishment: (corporal punishment is banned in most schools.)

   corridor: (she walked quickly down the corridor to her next class.)

   demerit: (he received a demerit for being late to class.)

   desk: (she organized her books and supplies on her desk.)

   detention: (he had to stay after school for detention.)

   dictionary: (i looked up the word in the dictionary.)

   discipline: (the school has strict discipline policies.)

   dormitory: (she stayed in the dormitory during the school term.)

   exchange: (the exchange student stayed with us for a semester.)

   exercise book: (she wrote her notes in an exercise book.)

   field day: (we had a field day with various outdoor activities.)

   field trip: (the class went on a field trip to the museum.)

   fieldwork: (the geography students did fieldwork in the local area.)

   form: (he is in the fifth form at his school.)

   free period: (i have a free period after lunch.)

   guidance counselor: (the guidance counselor helped me choose my classes.)

   gym: (we had physical education class in the gym.)

   gymnasium: (the gymnasium was used for sports and assemblies.)

   gymslip: (she wore a gymslip for her physical education class.)

   hall: (the assembly was held in the school hall.)

   holiday: (we are looking forward to the summer holiday.)

   homework: (i need to do my homework before dinner.)

   house: (she belongs to the red house in our school's house system.)

   infirmary: (he went to the infirmary when he felt sick.)

   interactive whiteboard: (the teacher used an interactive whiteboard for the lesson.)

   laboratory: (we conducted experiments in the chemistry laboratory.)

   language laboratory: (the students practiced their spanish in the language laboratory.)

   lesson: (the lesson today is about ancient history.)

   library: (i borrowed a book from the school library.)

   locker: (she put her books in her locker between classes.)

   locker room: (we changed into our gym clothes in the locker room.)

   mess around: (the students started to mess around after the teacher left.)

   minus: (i got a minus two points for each wrong answer.)

   multiple-choice: (the test was multiple-choice and had 50 questions.)

   notebook: (i wrote my lecture notes in a notebook.)

   period: (we have six periods in a school day.)

   pigeonhole: (teachers placed our graded papers in our pigeonholes.)

   play hookey: (they decided to play hookey and go to the amusement park.)

   play truant: (he was caught playing truant from school.)

   playground: (the children played tag in the playground.)

   playing field: (we had our soccer match on the playing field.)

   playtime: (the students enjoyed their playtime after lunch.)

   prize-giving: (the annual prize-giving ceremony was held last week.)

   project: (i worked on my history project all weekend.)

   prom: (the senior prom is scheduled for june.)

   prospectus: (we read the school prospectus before enrolling.)

   quad: (the students gathered in the quad during break time.)

   quadrangle: (the school's quadrangle was surrounded by classrooms.)

   reception: (new students must check in at the reception.)

   recess: (the children ran outside for recess.)

   registration: (we completed our registration on the first day of school.)

   rubber: (i used a rubber to correct my mistakes.)

   ruler: (she used a ruler to draw straight lines.)

   satchel: (he carried his books in a leather satchel.)

   schedule: (i checked my schedule to see which class was next.)

   school: (she goes to a private school.)

   school day: (the school day starts at 8:30 am.)

   school run: (i join my mom on the school run every morning.)

   schoolyard: (the students played basketball in the schoolyard.)

   semester: (the fall semester starts in september.)

   session: (we had a study session after school.)

   sickbay: (he was sent to the sickbay after feeling dizzy.)

   sixth form: (she is in the sixth form and preparing for university exams.)

   sports day: (sports day includes races and other athletic events.)

   staffroom: (the teachers met in the staffroom for their break.)

   stream: (the students were streamed into different ability groups.)

   studious: (she is very studious and always does her homework.)

   study hall: (i finished my homework during study hall.)

   syllabus: (the syllabus outlines all the topics we will cover.)

   term: (the school term ends in december.)

   term time: (during term time, we have classes every weekday.)

   textbook: (i forgot my math textbook at home.)

   timetable: (i checked my timetable to see when my next class is.)

   truant: (the school monitors attendance closely to catch truants.)

   uniform: (we wear a uniform to school every day.)

   vacation: (we went to the beach during summer vacation.)

   whiteboard: (the teacher wrote the key points on the whiteboard.)

   workbook: (we completed exercises in the workbook.)

   worksheet: (the teacher handed out a worksheet for us to complete.)

   year: (she is in her second year of high school.)

   yearbook: (we signed each other’s yearbooks at the end of the year.)

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