Online Vocabulary Builder

Communication | Language | Language Skills


   broad: (he has a broad vocabulary in english.)

   coherent: (her argument was clear and coherent.)

   proficient language: (he is proficient in three languages.)

   to encode: (the brain encodes new information during learning.)

   pronunciation: (her pronunciation of french is excellent.)

   practise: (you need to practise speaking every day.)

   inarticulate: (he felt inarticulate during the interview.)

   linguistics: (linguistics is the scientific study of language.)

   to stammer: (he tends to stammer when he is anxious.)

   aural: (aural skills are important for learning a new language.)

   faultless: (her english is almost faultless.)

   language transfer: (language transfer can cause errors in learning a new language.)

   to perfect: (he is working to perfect his english writing skills.)

   rusty: (my italian is a bit rusty after not using it for years.)

   beginner level: (she is taking a spanish course at the beginner level.)

   to stumble: (she stumbled over her words during the speech.)

   accent: (she has a charming british accent.)

   fluent: (he is fluent in both chinese and japanese.)

   to gabble: (he tends to gabble when he's nervous.)

   to master: (it took years for her to master japanese.)

   native speaker: (she is a native speaker of portuguese.)

   linguistic: (she has a keen interest in linguistic studies.)

   fluency: (she achieved fluency in italian after living in rome.)

   language fluency: (language fluency can take years to achieve.)

   intermediate: (he is at an intermediate level in spanish.)

   brush up: (i need to brush up on my german before the trip.)

   communication: (effective communication is essential in business.)

   articulate: (she is very articulate when speaking in public.)

   incomprehensibility: (the technical jargon added to the incomprehensibility of the report.)

   advanced level: (he is studying french at an advanced level.)

   to drill: (we will drill the new vocabulary until we know it by heart.)

   oral: (we have an oral exam next week.)

   incomprehensible: (the instructions were almost incomprehensible.)

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