0 ---------- I: I love reading books. you: Can you help me with this task? he: He went to the store yesterday. be: It’s great to be here. and: I like apples and oranges. of: This is a book of poetry. a: She bought a new car. in: The keys are in the drawer. to: We need to leave now. have: I have two cats. too: The soup is too hot. it: It is raining outside. that: I know that song. for: This gift is for you. with: She danced with him. on: The book is on the table. do: What do you want to eat? say: Did she say something to you? this: This is my favorite movie. they: They are going to the park. at: Meet me at the library. but: I like pizza, but I don’t like mushrooms. we: We are planning a trip. his: This is his jacket. from: I received a letter from my friend. that: That book is interesting. not: She is not coming to the party. can’t: I can’t find my keys. won’t: He won’t be able to attend the meeting. by: The poem was written by her. she: She is an excellent singer. or: Would you like tea or coffee? as: He works as a teacher. what: What is your name? go: Let’s go for a walk. their: Their house is very big. can: She can play the piano. who: Who is coming to the party? get: I need to get some rest. if: If it rains, we will stay home. would: I would like a cup of tea. her: Her dress is beautiful. all: All of the cookies are gone. my: My dog is very friendly. make: Can you make me a sandwich? about: Tell me about your day. know: Do you know the answer? will: I will call you later. as: She is as tall as her brother. up: He stood up and left. one: I have one brother and two sisters. time: It’s time to go home. there: There is a cat in the garden. year: She graduated last year. so: I am so tired. think: I think it’s a good idea. when: When will you arrive? which: Which book did you read? them: I gave them a gift. some: Would you like some coffee? me: Please give me the pen. people: People are friendly here. take: Take an umbrella with you. out: She went out to play. into: He walked into the room. just: I just finished my homework. see: Can you see the mountains? him: I talked to him yesterday. your: Is this your book? come: Come here and sit down. could: Could you help me? now: I need to go now. than: She is taller than her brother. like: I like to read novels. other: The other car is faster. how: How are you today? then: We went to the park, and then we had lunch. its: The dog wagged its tail. our: This is our house. two: I have two apples. more: I need more time to finish. these: These cookies are delicious. want: I want to go to the beach. way: This is the way to the library. look: Look at the stars. first: She won first prize. also: He is also coming to the party. new: I bought a new phone. because: I stayed home because it was raining. day: It was a beautiful day. more: I need more coffee. use: How do you use this tool? no: I have no idea. man: The man over there is my uncle. find: I can’t find my keys. here: Come here and sit down. thing: This is the best thing ever. give: Please give me a hand with this. many: Many people attended the concert. well: She sings very well. 100 ------- only: He is the only person I trust. those: Those shoes look comfortable. tell: Please tell me the truth. one: She is the one I was talking about. very: This cake is very delicious. her: I saw her at the park. even: Even he didn’t know the answer. back: She came back home late. any: Do you have any questions? good: This is a good book. woman: The woman over there is my aunt. through: We walked through the forest. us: Can you help us? life: She leads a happy life. child: The child is playing outside. there: There is a cat on the roof. work: He has a lot of work to do. down: She fell down the stairs. may: May I borrow your pen? after: We can go out after dinner. should: You should see a doctor. call: I will call you later. world: The world is a beautiful place. over: The game is over. school: She goes to a private school. still: I still don’t understand. try: Try to be on time. in: She lives in New York. as: He works as a chef. last: This is the last piece of cake. ask: Can I ask you a question? need: I need some help. too: It’s too hot outside. feel: I feel happy today. three: She has three dogs. when: When will you arrive? state: The state of the economy is improving. never: I have never been to Paris. become: She wants to become a doctor. between: The letter is between the books. high: The mountain is very high. really: I really like this movie. something: There is something in my eye. most: She is the most talented dancer. another: I need another pen. much: Thank you so much. family: My family is very supportive. own: I have my own car. out: She went out for a walk. leave: Please leave the room. put: Put the book on the shelf. old: My grandfather is very old. while: I read a book while waiting. mean: What do you mean? on: The book is on the table. keep: Keep the change. student: She is a good student. why: Why did you do that? let: Let’s go to the park. great: We had a great time. same: We are in the same class. big: The house is very big. group: The group is working on a project. begin: Let’s begin the meeting. seem: You seem happy today. country: I love my country. help: Can you help me with this? talk: Let’s talk about it later. where: Where did you go? turn: Turn left at the corner. problem: We have a problem to solve. every: Every student passed the exam. start: We will start at 9 AM. hand: He gave me his hand. might: It might rain later. american: She is an American citizen. show: Can you show me the way? part: This is part of the plan. about: Tell me about your day. against: They are against the proposal. place: This is a nice place. over: The plane flew over the city. such: He is such a nice person. again: Let’s try again. few: There are a few apples left. case: This is a difficult case. most: She is the most intelligent student. week: I will see you next week. company: She works for a big company. where: Where are you going? system: The system is down. each: Each student has a book. right: You are right about that. program: The program starts at 8 PM. hear: Can you hear that noise? so: I am so tired. question: Do you have a question? during: She cried during the movie. work: I have to work late tonight. play: The children are playing outside. 200 ---------- Government: The government passed a new law. run: He likes to run every morning. small: She lives in a small apartment. number: Please call this number. off: She turned off the lights. always: He is always on time. move: We plan to move next month. like: I like chocolate ice cream. night: We went out last night. live: They live in the countryside. Mr.: Mr. Smith is our teacher. point: She made a good point. believe: I believe in you. hold: Please hold my hand. today: We have a meeting today. bring: Can you bring me some water? happen: What will happen next? next: She is sitting next to me. without: I can't live without my phone. before: Finish your work before dinner. large: They own a large house. all: All of the students are here. million: The company made a million dollars. must: You must complete the assignment. home: He is at home now. under: The cat is under the table. water: Please drink some water. room: There is a meeting room available. write: I like to write stories. mother: My mother is a great cook. area: This area is very quiet. national: It’s a national holiday. money: She saved a lot of money. story: He told us an interesting story. young: She is very young. fact: It’s a known fact. month: We will go on vacation next month. different: They come from different backgrounds. lot: She has a lot of friends. right: Turn right at the corner. study: He needs to study for the exam. book: I borrowed a book from the library. eye: She has blue eyes. job: He got a new job. word: Please define this word. though: Though it was late, she kept working. business: She runs a small business. issue: There is an issue with the software. side: She stood by my side. kind: She is a kind person. four: There are four seasons in a year. head: He shook his head. far: They live far away. black: She wore a black dress. long: It’s been a long day. both: Both of them are coming. little: The little boy is playing. house: They bought a new house. yes: Yes, I will be there. after: We went out after dinner. since: I’ve known her since high school. long: He has a long commute. provide: The company will provide lunch. service: They offer excellent customer service. around: We walked around the park. friend: She is my best friend. important: It’s important to stay hydrated. father: My father is a doctor. sit: Please sit down. away: She moved away last year. until: We can stay until 10 PM. power: The power went out. hour: It took an hour to get there. game: We played a fun game. often: She often goes to the gym. yet: He hasn’t arrived yet. line: There is a long line at the store. political: She is interested in political science. end: The movie had a surprising end. among: She was among the winners. ever: Have you ever been to London? stand: He can’t stand the noise. bad: The weather is bad today. lose: Don’t lose your keys. however: It’s expensive; however, it’s worth it. member: She is a member of the club. pay: Did you pay the bill? law: He studied law in college. meet: Let’s meet at the café. car: She bought a new car. city: They live in the city. almost: It’s almost time to leave. include: The package includes a guidebook. continue: We will continue our discussion later. set: The sun sets in the west. later: I’ll see you later. community: The community center is open to everyone. much: Thank you very much. name: What is your name? five: She has five cats. 300 ---------- once: She visited Paris once. white: He wore a white shirt. least: She is the least experienced in the team. president: The president gave a speech. learn: I want to learn Spanish. real: This story is based on real events. change: Change is a part of life. team: Our team won the match. minute: It will only take a minute. best: She is my best friend. several: I have visited several countries. idea: That's a great idea! kid: The kid is playing outside. body: She has a healthy body. information: I need more information. nothing: There's nothing to worry about. ago: She left an hour ago. right: You are right about that. lead: He will lead the team. social: She enjoys social events. understand: I understand your concern. whether: I don't know whether to go or stay. back: I'll be back soon. watch: We watch movies on weekends. together: Let's work on this together. follow: Follow the instructions carefully. around: They walked around the park. parent: Her parents are very supportive. only: This is the only option. stop: Please stop talking. face: She has a friendly face. anything: Do you need anything? create: Let's create a new plan. public: The park is open to the public. already: I have already finished my homework. speak: Can you speak louder? others: Help others whenever you can. read: I like to read books. level: She is at an advanced level. allow: They allow pets in this hotel. add: Please add some sugar to my coffee. office: He is working in the office. spend: She likes to spend time with her family. door: Please close the door. health: Exercise is good for your health. person: He is a kind person. art: She loves modern art. sure: Are you sure about that? such: He is such a talented musician. war: The war lasted for years. history: She is interested in ancient history. party: They are hosting a party tonight. within: The package will arrive within a week. grow: Plants need sunlight to grow. result: The results were surprising. open: The store is open now. change: She decided to change her career. morning: I jog every morning. walk: Let's go for a walk. reason: What is the reason for your visit? low: The prices are very low. win: She hopes to win the competition. research: He is conducting research on climate change. girl: The girl is reading a book. guy: He is a nice guy. early: I wake up early every day. food: The food is delicious. before: I met her before the meeting. moment: This is the perfect moment. himself: He did it all by himself. air: The air is fresh and clean. teacher: She is my favorite teacher. force: They had to use force to open the door. offer: He made an offer on the house. enough: We have enough time. both: Both options are good. education: Education is important for everyone. across: The bridge goes across the river. although: Although it was raining, we went out. remember: Do you remember her name? foot: He injured his foot. second: I will be there in a second. boy: The boy is playing soccer. maybe: Maybe we can go tomorrow. toward: She walked toward the door. able: He is able to lift heavy weights. age: She learned to read at a young age. off: The light is off. policy: The company has a strict policy. everything: Everything is going well. love: I love my family. process: The process is simple. music: She listens to music every day. including: The price is including tax. consider: Please consider my proposal. appear: She will appear on TV tonight. actually: Actually, I don't agree. buy: I need to buy groceries. probably: I will probably go to the party. human: Human rights are important. 400 ---------- wait: Please wait here. serve: They serve delicious food. market: She bought vegetables at the market. die: The plant will die without water. send: I will send you an email. expect: I expect him to arrive soon. home: She is finally home. sense: Do you sense something strange? build: They plan to build a new house. stay: Can you stay a little longer? fall: The leaves fall in autumn. oh: Oh, I forgot my keys! nation: The nation celebrated its independence. plan: We need to plan the trip. cut: Cut the paper in half. college: She is going to college next year. interest: He has a keen interest in history. death: His death was a great loss. course: She is taking a math course. someone: Someone is knocking on the door. experience: She has a lot of experience in marketing. behind: He is standing behind the curtain. reach: Can you reach the top shelf? local: The local bakery makes fresh bread. kill: The pesticide will kill the insects. six: She has six cats. remain: Only a few people remain. effect: The new policy had a positive effect. use: Can I use your phone? yeah: Yeah, I agree with you. suggest: I suggest we leave early. class: She is in my English class. control: He lost control of the car. raise: They plan to raise the prices. care: She takes good care of her plants. perhaps: Perhaps we can go tomorrow. little: He has a little dog. late: He arrived late to the meeting. hard: This problem is very hard to solve. field: They are playing soccer in the field. else: Is there anything else you need? pass: We need a pass to enter. former: She is a former student of mine. sell: They sell fresh fruits at the market. major: He had a major role in the project. sometimes: Sometimes I go for a walk. require: The job requires a lot of experience. along: We walked along the river. development: The city has seen rapid development. themselves: They did it all by themselves. report: She wrote a report on climate change. role: He plays the lead role in the movie. better: She feels better today. economic: The country is facing economic challenges. effort: She put a lot of effort into her work. up: He climbed up the ladder. decide: I can't decide what to wear. rate: The interest rate is low. strong: He is very strong. possible: It’s possible to finish on time. heart: He has a kind heart. drug: The doctor prescribed a new drug. show: She loves watching TV shows. leader: He is a natural leader. light: Turn off the light when you leave. voice: She has a beautiful singing voice. wife: His wife is a doctor. whole: He ate the whole pizza. police: The police arrived quickly. mind: She has a sharp mind. finally: We finally reached our destination. pull: Pull the door to open it. return: I will return the book tomorrow. free: The event is free to the public. military: He served in the military. price: The price of gas is high. report: She will report the incident. less: This costs less than the other one. according: According to the news, it's going to rain. decision: It was a difficult decision to make. explain: Can you explain this to me? son: Her son is in college. hope: I hope you feel better. even: He didn't even say goodbye. develop: She wants to develop a new app. view: The view from the top is amazing. relationship: They have a good relationship. carry: Can you carry this for me? town: The town is very quiet. road: The road is under construction. drive: I like to drive at night. arm: He broke his arm. true: It’s a true story. federal: The federal government announced new policies. break: Let’s take a break. better: I feel better now. difference: What’s the difference between these two? thank: Thank you for your help. receive: Did you receive my email? value: This ring has great sentimental value. 500 ---------- international: He works for an international company. building: The new building is almost finished. action: The movie is full of action scenes. full: The glass is full of water. model: She is a fashion model. join: Would you like to join us for dinner? season: Autumn is my favorite season. society: They are active members of society. because: I stayed home because it was raining. tax: We need to file our tax returns. director: The director is very talented. early: He arrived early for the meeting. position: She applied for the manager position. player: He is a skilled basketball player. agree: I agree with your point of view. especially: I love all fruits, especially strawberries. record: She broke the school record. pick: Pick any book you like. wear: What should I wear to the party? paper: I need a piece of paper. special: This is a special occasion. space: There is enough space for everyone. ground: The ground is wet after the rain. form: Please fill out this form. support: I need your support on this project. event: The event was a huge success. official: He received an official letter. whose: Whose book is this? matter: It doesn’t matter to me. everyone: Everyone is invited to the party. center: The shopping center is crowded. couple: A lovely couple lives next door. site: The construction site is busy. end: The end of the movie was surprising. project: They are working on a new project. hit: The song became a big hit. base: The base of the lamp is broken. activity: Jogging is a good physical activity. star: She is the star of the show. table: The table is set for dinner. need: We need more volunteers. court: The case went to court. produce: They produce organic vegetables. eat: Let's eat at that new restaurant. Australian: He has an Australian accent. teach: She loves to teach children. oil: The car needs an oil change. half: She gave me half of her sandwich. situation: It’s a difficult situation. easy: The exam was easy. cost: The cost of living is rising. industry: He works in the tech industry. figure: She is a public figure. face: She has a beautiful face. street: They live on Maple Street. image: The image is blurry. itself: The problem will resolve itself. phone: She forgot her phone at home. either: You can choose either option. data: The data needs to be analyzed. cover: Please cover the pot. quite: He is quite tall. picture: She took a picture of the sunset. clear: The instructions are clear. practice: Practice makes perfect. piece: I need a piece of tape. land: They own a piece of land. recent: Have you seen the recent news? describe: Can you describe the thief? product: This product is very popular. doctor: She is a doctor at the local hospital. wall: The wall is freshly painted. patient: The patient is recovering well. worker: He is a construction worker. news: I have some good news. test: I need to study for the test. movie: We watched a great movie. certain: I am certain about my decision. north: They live in the north of the country. love: I love reading books. personal: That is my personal opinion. open: The store is open now. support: I support your decision. simply: Simply follow the instructions. third: She finished third in the race. technology: Technology is advancing rapidly. catch: Try to catch the ball. step: Take one step at a time. baby: The baby is sleeping. computer: I need a new computer. type: What type of music do you like? attention: Pay attention to the details. draw: She likes to draw cartoons. film: They are making a new film. republican: He is a Republican senator. tree: There is a tree in the backyard. source: She is a reliable source of information. red: She wore a red dress. nearly: It’s nearly time to leave. organization: She works for a non-profit organization. 600 ---------- choose: You can choose any color you like. cause: The cause of the accident is unknown. hair: She has long, curly hair. look: Take a look at this photo. point: That’s a good point. century: We are living in the 21st century. evidence: The evidence is clear. window: She opened the window. difficult: The exam was difficult. listen: Listen to the instructions carefully. soon: We will leave soon. culture: He is interested in Japanese culture. billion: The company is worth a billion dollars. chance: This is your chance to shine. brother: My brother is visiting tomorrow. energy: She has a lot of energy. period: This period in history is fascinating. course: He is taking a course in French. summer: Summer is my favorite season. less: This costs less than I expected. realize: I didn’t realize it was so late. hundred: She donated a hundred dollars. available: The book is available online. plant: I need to water the plant. likely: It’s likely to rain tomorrow. opportunity: This job is a great opportunity. term: The term starts in September. short: The meeting was short. letter: She wrote a letter to her friend. condition: The car is in good condition. choice: You have no other choice. place: This is a nice place to live. single: He is a single parent. rule: That’s against the rules. daughter: My daughter loves to dance. administration: The administration is implementing new policies. south: They moved to the south. husband: Her husband is a doctor. congress: Congress passed the new law. floor: The floor is slippery. campaign: She is leading the campaign. material: This material is very durable. population: The population is growing. well: I hope you get well soon. call: I will call you later. economy: The economy is recovering. medical: She has a medical degree. hospital: He works at the hospital. church: They got married in a church. close: The store is close to my house. thousand: There were a thousand people at the concert. risk: There’s a risk of rain. current: The current situation is stable. fire: They sat by the fire. future: I am excited about the future. wrong: Something went wrong. involve: This project involves a lot of work. defense: He works in the defense sector. anyone: Can anyone help me? increase: There was an increase in sales. security: The airport has tight security. bank: She works at a bank. myself: I did it all by myself. certainly: I will certainly be there. west: They traveled to the west. sport: He loves playing sports. board: She serves on the board of directors. seek: They are seeking new opportunities. per: The speed limit is 60 miles per hour. subject: Math is my favorite subject. officer: The officer helped us. private: This is a private conversation. rest: Take a rest if you’re tired. behavior: His behavior is unacceptable. deal: We made a good deal. performance: The performance was amazing. fight: They got into a fight. throw: Throw the ball to me. top: She reached the top of the mountain. quickly: She finished her work quickly. past: He learned from his past mistakes. goal: Her goal is to become a doctor. second: I need a second opinion. bed: She is lying in bed. order: We need to place an order. author: He is the author of several books. fill: Fill the bottle with water. represent: She will represent our school. focus: I need to focus on my work. foreign: She is studying foreign languages. drop: Be careful not to drop the glass. plan: We need to plan our trip. blood: The nurse took a blood sample. upon: She insisted upon it. agency: She works for a travel agency. push: Push the door to open it. nature: She loves being in nature. color: What’s your favorite color? no: There is no need to worry. recently: I recently moved to a new city. 700 ---------- store: We need to visit the grocery store. reduce: They aim to reduce waste. sound: The music sounded beautiful. note: He wrote a note to remind himself. fine: She paid the fine for parking. before: They arrived just before dinner. near: There is a park near our house. movement: The dance movement was graceful. page: Turn to page 10 in your textbook. enter: Please enter your password. share: Let’s share the pizza. than: He is taller than his brother. common: It's a common misunderstanding. poor: They lived in poor conditions. other: I have no other plans. natural: It's natural to feel nervous. race: She won the race. concern: His health is a concern. series: They watched a series on Netflix. significant: This discovery is significant. similar: Their houses look similar. hot: It’s very hot outside today. language: She speaks several languages. each: Each student received a book. usually: I usually go for a walk in the evening. response: His response was unexpected. dead: The plant is dead. rise: There was a rise in temperature. animal: They adopted a new animal. factor: Time management is a key factor. decade: They have been friends for over a decade. article: I read an interesting article. shoot: They decided to shoot a movie. east: They live on the east side of town. save: Save your work before closing the document. seven: She has seven siblings. artist: He is a talented artist. away: Please put the dishes away. scene: They filmed a scene at the park. stock: The store is out of stock. career: She is pursuing a career in medicine. despite: Despite the rain, they went for a walk. central: They live in the central part of the city. eight: They arrived at eight o'clock. thus: She completed her work, thus she left early. treatment: He received medical treatment. beyond: Their efforts went beyond expectations. happy: She was happy to see her friends. exactly: I know exactly where it is. protect: We must protect the environment. approach: They took a different approach. lie: Please don’t lie to me. size: What size shoes do you wear? dog: Their dog loves to play fetch. fund: They raised funds for charity. serious: It’s a serious matter. occur: When did the accident occur? media: The story was covered by the media. ready: Are you ready to go? sign: There was a sign pointing to the museum. thought: She gave it some thought. list: I need to make a shopping list. individual: Each individual has their own preferences. simple: It’s a simple solution. quality: The quality of the product is excellent. pressure: She felt pressure to perform well. accept: He will accept the job offer. answer: Can you answer this question? hard: This puzzle is hard to solve. resource: Water is a valuable resource. identify: Can you identify the suspect? left: She left her keys at home. meeting: The meeting starts at 9 AM. determine: They need to determine the cause. prepare: She needs time to prepare. disease: He is suffering from a rare disease. whatever: Choose whatever you like. success: Their business had great success. argue: They always argue about politics. cup: She drank a cup of tea. particularly: I am particularly fond of this book. amount: The amount of work is overwhelming. ability: He has the ability to solve problems. staff: The staff is friendly and helpful. recognize: I didn’t recognize him at first. indicate: The signs indicate the way to the beach. character: She has a strong character. growth: The city has experienced rapid growth. loss: They mourned the loss of their pet. degree: She received her degree in psychology. wonder: I wonder what will happen next. attack: The lion made a sudden attack. herself: She did it all by herself. region: They live in a mountainous region. television: They watched a movie on television. box: The package arrived in a box. tv: They watched TV all evening. training: He received training in first aid. pretty: She looked pretty in her dress. trade: They work in the import-export trade. 800 ---------- deal: Let's make a deal. election: The election results were announced. everybody: Everybody enjoyed the party. physical: She underwent a physical examination. lay: He decided to lay the book down. general: In general, it's a good idea. feeling: She had a strange feeling about it. standard: This meets the industry standard. bill: Can you pay the electric bill? message: I left a message for you. fail: He didn't want to fail the test. outside: It's raining outside. arrive: They will arrive at noon. analysis: The data analysis was thorough. benefit: There are many benefits to exercise. name: What's your name? sex: The sex of the baby is unknown. forward: Please forward the email to me. lawyer: She hired a lawyer for legal advice. present: He was present at the meeting. section: This book is in the science section. environmental: They discussed environmental issues. glass: She drank water from a glass. answer: Can you answer the question? skill: He has excellent computer skills. sister: My sister lives in another city. pm: The meeting is at 2 PM. professor: The professor teaches history. operation: The hospital performed the operation. financial: They discussed financial planning. crime: The police investigated the crime. stage: She performed on stage. ok: Is everything ok? compare: Let's compare prices. authority: He has the authority to make decisions. miss: She didn't want to miss the bus. design: She studied fashion design. sort: Can you sort these papers? one: One more piece is missing. act: She performed in the school play. ten: She counted to ten. knowledge: He has extensive knowledge of history. gun: He aimed the gun carefully. station: They stopped at the gas station. blue: Her favorite color is blue. state: He is from the state of Texas. strategy: They discussed their strategy. little: She has a little dog. clearly: She explained the concept clearly. discuss: Let's discuss the plan. indeed: It was indeed a beautiful day. force: They used force to open the door. truth: He told her the truth. song: She sang a beautiful song. example: Can you give me an example? democratic: They live in a democratic country. check: Please check the spelling. environment: They protect the environment. leg: He injured his leg. dark: It gets dark early in winter. public: They attended a public event. various: They discussed various topics. rather: He would rather stay home. laugh: They shared a good laugh. guess: Can you guess what it is? executive: He is an executive at the company. set: She set the table for dinner. study: She loves to study languages. prove: He wanted to prove his theory. hang: Can you hang the picture on the wall? entire: She read the entire book. rock: They climbed the rock. enough: Do you have enough food? forget: Don't forget your keys. since: They have been friends since childhood. claim: He made a false insurance claim. note: Take note of the details. remove: Please remove your shoes. manager: She is the store manager. help: Can you help me with this? close: Please close the door. sound: The sound of music filled the room. enjoy: They enjoyed their vacation. network: She built a strong professional network. legal: He received legal advice. religious: They celebrate religious holidays. cold: It’s cold outside today. form: Please fill out this form. final: This is the final decision. main: The main character in the story. science: She loves studying science. green: The grass is green in spring. memory: She has a good memory. card: She paid with a credit card. above: The plane flew above the clouds. seat: Please take a seat. cell: He studies cell biology. establish: They plan to establish a new business. nice: That was a nice gesture. 900 ---------- trial: The trial lasted for several weeks. expert: She is an expert in astronomy. that: I saw that movie last week. spring: Flowers bloom in spring. firm: He works at a law firm. democrat: She is a registered Democrat. radio: He listens to the radio every morning. visit: They plan to visit their grandparents. management: Effective management is crucial. care: She took good care of her plants. avoid: Try to avoid heavy traffic. imagine: Imagine a world without technology. tonight: We're going to the movies tonight. huge: The elephant was huge. ball: They played soccer with a ball. no: There is no milk left in the fridge. close: Please close the door behind you. finish: She finished her homework early. yourself: Be yourself, everyone else is taken. talk: They had a long talk about their future. theory: Einstein proposed the theory of relativity. impact: The decision had a significant impact. respond: He didn't respond to the email yet. statement: She made a powerful statement. maintain: It's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. charge: He took charge of the project. popular: The movie became very popular. traditional: They celebrated a traditional wedding. onto: The cat jumped onto the table. reveal: The magician will reveal his trick. direction: Follow the signs for the correct direction. weapon: The soldier carried a powerful weapon. employee: The company hired new employees. cultural: They discussed cultural differences. contain: The box can contain many items. peace: They signed a treaty for peace. head: She has a headache. control: He lost control of the car. base: The team's base is in New York. pain: He felt a sharp pain in his leg. apply: She decided to apply for the job. play: The children love to play outside. measure: They used a ruler to measure the length. wide: The road is wide enough for two lanes. shake: He likes to shake hands with everyone. fly: Birds can fly long distances. interview: She has an interview for a new job. manage: He can manage his time effectively. chair: She sat on the comfortable chair. fish: They went fishing by the lake. particular: She has a particular interest in art. camera: He bought a new camera for photography. structure: The building has a unique structure. politics: They discussed politics at dinner. perform: The band will perform at the concert. bit: He ate every bit of his dessert. weight: She lifted weights at the gym. suddenly: Suddenly, the lights went out. discover: They discovered a new species. candidate: He is a presidential candidate. top: She reached the top of the mountain. production: The factory increased production. treat: They went out for a special treat. trip: They planned a road trip across the country. evening: They went for a walk in the evening. affect: The weather will affect our plans. inside: It's warm inside the house. conference: They attended a business conference. unit: They measured in units of meters. best: She did her best on the test. style: He has a unique fashion style. adult: She became an adult last year. worry: Don't worry, everything will be fine. range: The store offers a wide range of products. mention: He didn't mention the incident. rather: I'd rather stay home tonight. far: The store is not far from here. deep: The lake is very deep. front: They sat in the front row. edge: Be careful near the edge of the cliff. individual: Each individual has unique talents. specific: They discussed specific details. writer: She is a famous writer. trouble: He had trouble understanding the concept. claim: She made a false insurance claim. necessary: It is necessary to study for the exam. throughout: It rained throughout the day. challenge: Climbing the mountain was a challenge. fear: He overcame his fear of heights. bar: They went to the bar for drinks. beautiful: The sunset was beautiful. property: They own a lot of property. instead: They went for a walk instead of watching TV. improve: She wants to improve her English. stuff: He packed his stuff for the trip. shoulder: She injured her shoulder playing tennis. institution: He works at a prestigious institution. middle: They sat in the middle of the row. sea: They sailed across the sea. dream: She had a dream about flying.