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The training engine of Online Vocabulary Builder created with the knowledge of basic memory patterns, processes, and individual abilities to learn and memorize.
This Online Vocabulary Builder is designed for self-motivated learners who need knowledge of a particular language. From our experience and belief, we know that language comprehension, the size and depth of the vocabulary, and conversational fluency only come with concentrated work.
Even if you are immersed in the language environment with total exposure to the language you intend to master, you need to apply yourself persistently, focusing on improvement. In other words, if you want to know the language and are serious about it, you must use the learning strategy, which includes regular vocabulary building and improvement.
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How to Increase Your Vocabulary: 10 Essential Tips. In this article, we are talking about the English language, but everything said here is relevant when learning any language. In the beginning, was the word. Or was it not? What is the ...
Phrasal verbs are combinations of two or more words that function as unique verbs with meanings that are different from the separate words used in the phrase. For instance, "pick up" means to grab or lift, which is different from ...
What are regular verbs in English? Before we can talk about irregular verbs, we need to know what regular verbs look like. That way, we have something to compare them to. With regular verbs in English, we form the past tense and past ...